Kynam Oud chunks


Pound sterling (£) - GBP
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP

Kynam is the rarest and most beautiful heavenly Oud in the world. It’s rarer than titanium, uranium, platinum and we call it kynam. Kynam is the best of all the agarwood species, with the most prized aroma of all oud.

This Kynam is almost 2 years aged.

Unlike most 100% pure Ouds such as Cambodian, Hindi and Trat which are strong and barnyard type of scent in nature. The Kynam is total opposite, it is soft, Golden with the most mesmerising Oud note mankind will or won’t ever set their senses upon again.

It is as though the lord has gifted this Oud to remind us on his greatness and his majesty.

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