Oudh Imperial Majesty 12ml


Pound sterling (£) - GBP
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP

Discover the price of Oudh Imperial Majesty fragrance in the UK

Oudh Imperial Majesty is a luxurious fragrance that embodies the rich and captivating essence of oud, a rare and aromatic resin derived from the agarwood tree. This exquisite perfume offers a harmonious blend of sweet and woody notes, creating an enchanting and sophisticated scent profile


Discover the price of Oudh Imperial Majesty fragrance in the UK

Oudh Imperial Majesty is a luxurious fragrance that embodies the rich and captivating essence of oud, a rare and aromatic resin derived from the agarwood tree. This exquisite perfume offers a harmonious blend of sweet and woody notes, creating an enchanting and sophisticated scent profile

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